Item Appearance and Events

Like the text and canvas widgets, the treeview widget uses tags to modify the appearance of items in the tree. We can assign a list of tags to each item using the tags item configuration option (again, when creating the item or later on).

Configuration options can then be specified on the tag, applied to all items having that tag. Valid tag options include foreground (text color), background, font, and image (not used if the item specifies its own image).

We can also create event bindings on tags to capture mouse clicks, keyboard events, etc.

fn main() {
tree.insert( "", Index::End, -text("button") -tags("ttk simple") )?;
tree.tag_configure( "ttk", -background("yellow") )?;
tree.tag_bind( "ttk", event::button_1(), item_clicked )?;
// the item clicked can be found via tree.focus()

The treeview will generate virtual events TreeviewSelect, TreeviewOpen, and TreeviewClose, which allow us to monitor changes to the widget made by users. We can use the selection method to determine the current selection (the selection can also be changed from your program).

Run Example

cargo run --example item_appearance_and_events