Displaying Information for each Item

The treeview can display one or more additional pieces of information about each item. These are shown as columns to the right of the main tree display.

Each column is referenced by a symbolic name that we assign. We can specify the list of columns using the columns configuration option of the treeview widget, either when first creating the widget or later on.

fn main() {
root.add_ttk_treeview( -columns("size modified") )?;
tree.configure( -columns("size modified owner") )?;

We can specify the width of the column, how the display of item information in the column is aligned, and more. We can also provide information about the column's heading, such as the text to display, an optional image, alignment, and a script to invoke when the item is clicked (e.g., to sort the tree).

fn main() {
tree.set_column( "size", -width(100) -anchor("center") )?;
tree.set_heading( "size", -text("Size") )?;

What to display in each column for each item can be specified individually by using the set_item_at_column method. You can also provide a list describing what to display in all the columns for the item. This is done using the values item configuration option. It takes a list of values and can be provided when first inserting the item or changed later. The order of the list must be the same as the order in the columns widget configuration option.

fn main() {
tree.set_item_at_column( "widgets", "size", "12KB" )?;
let size = tree.item_at_column( "widgets", "size" )?;
assert_eq!( size.to_string(), "12KB" );
tree.insert( "", Index::End,
    -text("Listbox") -values(&["15KB","Yesterday","mark"]) )?;

Run Example

cargo run --example displaying_information_for_each_item