Images and Widgets

Like canvas widgets, text widgets can contain images and any other Tk widgets (including frames containing many other widgets). In a sense, this allows the text widget to work as a geometry manager in its own right. The ability to add images and widgets within the text opens up a world of possibilities for your program.

Images are added to a text widget at a particular index, with the image specified as an existing Tk image. Other options that allow you to fine-tune padding, etc.

fn main() {
let img = tk.image_create_photo( -file("book/src/images/tcl.gif") )?;
txt.image_create( Index::tag_first("sel"), -image(img) )?;

Other widgets are added to a text widget in much the same way as images. The widget being added must be a descendant of the text widget in the widget hierarchy.

fn main() {
let b = txt.add_ttk_button( -text("Push Me") )?;
txt.window_create( Index::line_char(1,0), -window(b) )?;

Run Example

cargo run --example text_images_and_widgets