The contextual macros

This library introduces a proc macro def_impls!{} in which you can define an enum and write several impl blocks. In these impl blocks, the following macros are supported:

  1. _Variants!() in where clause. For example, where _Variants!(): SomeTrait means each variant has the trait bound of : SomeTrait.

  2. _match!() in trait method. This macro will expand to a match expression that enumerate all variants, and translate the macros listed below.

  3. _variant!() in _match!(). This macro will expand to the value of the matched variant.

  4. _Variant!() in _match!(). This macro will expand to the type of the matched variant.

  5. _enum!() in _match!(). This macro will wrap its inner value to get an enum. Use this macro if the trait method returns Self.


Let's rewrite the generic enum example:

fn main() {
def_impls! {
    impl<T0,T1> AsRef<[u8]> for Enum2<T0,T1>
        where _Variants!(): AsRef<[u8]> 
        fn as_ref( &self ) -> &[u8] {

Another example, implementing Clone. Note the using of _enum!().

fn main() {
def_impls! {
    impl<T0,T1> Clone for Enum2<T0,T1>
        where _Variants!(): Clone
        fn clone( &self ) -> Self {
                _enum!( _variant!().clone() )

You can specify the expression matched being matched, using the syntax _match!( matched => expr ). If ommited, _match!( expr ) is equivalent to _match!( self => expr ).

fn main() {
def_impls! {
    impl<T0, T1, R, Yield, Return> std::ops::Generator<R> for Enum2<T0,T1>
        where _Variants!(): std::ops::Generator<R,Yield=Yield,Return=Return>
        type Yield = Yield;
        type Return = Return;
        fn resume( self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, arg: R )
            -> std::ops::GeneratorState<Self::Yield, Self::Return>
            _match!( unsafe{ self.get_unchecked_mut() } =>
                 unsafe{ std::pin::Pin::new_unchecked( _variant!() )}
                    .resume( arg )